Global Reach Revolutionizing the Use of Commercial Vessels and Intermodal Systems for Military Sealift, 1990-2012. A. J. Herberger

- Author: A. J. Herberger
- Published Date: 15 Jan 2016
- Publisher: Naval Institute Press
- Language: English
- Format: Hardback::336 pages
- ISBN10: 1612518478
- Publication City/Country: Annopolis, United States
- File name: Global-Reach-Revolutionizing-the-Use-of-Commercial-Vessels-and-Intermodal-Systems-for-Military-Sealift--1990-2012.pdf
- Dimension: 178x 254x 35.56mm::1,338.1g Download Link: Global Reach Revolutionizing the Use of Commercial Vessels and Intermodal Systems for Military Sealift, 1990-2012
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